Jesus said so.  

"Go make disciples of ALL NATIONS."  Matthew 28:19

"Go into ALL the WORLD and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

"And YOU shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8

"The things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." 2 Timothy 2:2

You will meet Jesus.

Have you danced with brothers and sisters, who know Jesus intimately,  in absolute joy when your surroundings are to the extreme of pitiful?   Have you held Jesus' hand as you help an absolute stranger lying helpless, afraid and alone?  Have you experienced Jesus' love through generosity to the poor?

Away from your comfortable life, in a culture where abundance is not known, it is far easier to see Jesus working in the lives of others around you.   If you are still enough, you can also see Him working in you.    On a mission your eyes will be opened to Jesus like never before.   Your life will be changed forever.  

"Once we take our eyes away from ourselves, from our own interests, from our own rights, privileges, ambitions -- then they will become clear to see Jesus around us."   St. Teresa of Calcutta  

You will walk in the footsteps of the Heroes of the Faith.

Peter, Paul, the Disciples, William Carey, Adoniram Judson, Hudson Taylor, David Livingstone, Lottie Moon, Jim Elliot, and thousands of others left everything and most everyone they knew for the cause of Christ.   Go where they went.   Go to places they only dreamed about.   Do what they did.   Jesus Himself spent much time with the poor, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and bringing hope to the hopeless.  

You Need to Get Away.

As U.S. Americans, we think we're the center of the world.   We believe that our problems are the greatest there has ever been.   We know that what we do is important and will resonate loudly all around the world.   Our phones, Facebook pages, Twitter and Instagram accounts fill our lives with purpose.   We live our lives attached to some sort of computer screen.   This might just surprise you, but the internet and world wide web will not teach you all that you could ever want to know about life.   You can Google poverty statistics in India.   You can discover the infant mortality rate and life spans of those in Africa or the health needs of South America, but that's just not the same as holding a sick child's hand in Kampala or helping a mother give birth in the shade of a tree.   Or praying with a man whose life will end in hours.   It may just be that you will be the only person who ever cares enough about someone to share with them the story of Jesus.   When you freely give your love away, you will never miss it, because it is replaced with something even more valuable.  

You Will See the World Differently.

In the USA most of us have air conditioning, big homes, nice cars, and often we throw our leftover food away because it might spoil before we can gorge ourselves again.   We will prepare for days in anticipation for the guests who will arrive.   In many places overseas you will visit with those who have nothing, and they have no clue as to where their next meal might be, but yet when you visit they will serve you their last bit of rice and beans on a broken plate.   They will gladly give to you from their necessity, because there is never an overabundance.   You will be overwhelmed because we think they are poor, but spiritually they are rich.  

Missions gives you a chance to see for yourselves what Jesus was talking about in His sermon on the mount.  

Missions gives you the opportunity to fulfill what Jesus told you to do.   

"What does love look like?  It has the hands to help others.  It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy.  It has the eyes to see misery and want.  It has the ears to hear the sights and sorrows of men.  That is what love looks like."  St. Augustine
