Missionaries Who Needs 'Em?

I'm rarely offended by what someone says or writes.   I think everyone should be able to express their own opinions no matter what they are.    Recently a well known conservative political thinker, seems to despise missions and missionaries, because she has an America First world view.   She was concerned enough that she decided to air her opinions in an article condemning the actions of a medical missionary to Africa, who got sick and had to return back to the states.   She actually called Africa a cess pool.   I wonder has she ever been there to truly see what a glorious continent that it is.   Yes, in many places it is hot and its dirty, but there is a beauty in all that.   I don't know maybe it's the people who live there that make it beautiful.   She wrote, American Christians who "go on "mission trips" to disease-ridden cesspools" are too tired and lazy to do the work that is truly needed here, like convert one Hollywood mogul to Christ.   [Follow this link to read Ann Coulter's Article in its entirety.]    Apparently she truly believes those who go overseas "slink off" to do some good in the world because we are either tired of or a bit intimidated by the persecution that we face here in the USA.   As well she believes that saving the life of one Hollywood mogul would be more valuable than all the lives saved in a hundred years worth of work in Liberia.     I wonder if the Christian Liberians would think that?   I am betting not.   I don't know whether or not Ann Coulter is a church goer.   I suspect so, at least from time to time. I do think that she believes in Jesus, just from some things she has written or said before that caught my attention.   As well I think she may even admire Him, but I am certain that she is not a Jesus follower, otherwise she couldn't have those thoughts.    Normally, I wouldn't address her blog, because I feel doing so would be a waste of my time, but I feel that this time there is a need because over the years and even very recently I have heard roughly those same sentiments echoed by people in the pews, and by some who have leadership roles in the church.   

Before we get into a discussion of the purpose of Jesus and therefore the purpose of His followers let's ponder this thought for a moment:   I wonder if for some reason Ann Coulter had a child who was trapped in Liberia, and the millions in her bank account couldn't get him/her out, if she wouldn't be thankful for the efforts of someone like Dr. Brantly who she believes is very misguided in going there.  Do you think she would have written the same article?    

To love Jesus means to follow Jesus.   The Bible is very clear on that.   And if that is so then the opposite is true as well -- not following Jesus means you don't love Jesus.   And the Bible says this in 1 Corinthians 16:22, "If anyone does not love the Lord let a curse be on him.    So loving Jesus means following Him.   Following Jesus means living by the example of his life.   It means acting how Jesus taught us to act, and doing what Jesus taught us to do.   

Throughout Jesus life he was always being tested and prodded to see if he was real or fake, and one particular story related in Luke chapter 10 finds Jesus being questioned yet again by a legal expert and temple worker.   Jesus was asked which commandment was most important.   Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." And he went on to teach the next most important commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself."   After congratulating Jesus on knowing the most important commandment this scribe then tested Jesus further by asking: "Who is your neighbor?"   And then Jesus related a story about a man of unknown heritage who was attacked and left for dead on the road in clear view of everyone passing by.   He related that a priest passed by on the other side of the road.   A Levite or a religious person passed by on the other side as well.   But a man from a different culture - a despised culture - and location stopped to help.   He provided care as much as he could and then he paid the cost for the man's remaining care.  After relating this story he asked the temple worker, "Who was the man's neighbor?" And then told him to go and do likewise.  

People being people sometimes even infects followers of Christ, and there are some followers of Christ who are just stubborn enough to say, well the word neighbor actually means those with property touching mine.   Ok, I'll give you that is one definition from Websters, but it isn't Jesus' definition.   In fact, in Matthew 28 he told us to go, and he never limited it.   Its reiterated in Mark 16. In Acts 1:8 he says "Be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."   

So you see a follower of Christ goes because we are told to go.   We don't go for glory.   Usually there is very little glory to be had, just ask the thousands of missionaries who are somewhere right now taking care of their neighbors.   We don't "slink away" from persecution here in the US to do something good elsewhere, because what goes on here is nothing compared to what is found elsewhere.   Just look at Mosul or Indonesia or Cuba or in Southeast Asia and the list goes on and on.  None of the disciples went on to find fame and fortune.    They went to their imprisonment and death. Followers of Jesus go because we love Him enough to do what He commanded which sometimes results in suffering or death.   He commanded it because He loved others.    In fact, Jesus influenced the heart of Dr. Brantly so much so that he went to Liberia because he thought he might help.    If he had not contracted the disease he was there fighting then you would never have known his name.    I was once asked by a well-meaning sweet lady, "Why did I have to go overseas when there were so many right next door that need Jesus to?"    I told her, "I'm going there, because you are here and its your task to reach those people."   

"Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."   IF you are a follower of Christ then your purpose is to go wherever Jesus goes and tag along.    It may be that He has some use for your there.   Missionaries who needs 'em?   Why we all do.    
